Image Annotation Services for AI/ML Model Training & Development

Get high-quality training datasets for computer vision models with reliable image labeling services. We specialize in labeling 2D/3D images at scale.

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Outsource Image Annotation Services for Smarter AI Applications

Struggling to get a large volume of images annotated according to your project specifications? Let our experts label images with precision to enable efficient training of your AI/ML models and faster time-to-market. We build structured, high-quality training datasets for computer vision systems by assigning metadata to digital images. Our annotators leverage prominently used annotation tools (like CVAT, V7, LabelBox, and LabelMg) and their subject matter expertise to guarantee accuracy throughout the image labeling process.

Empowering Machine Learning Models with Our Image Annotation Capabilities

With over 25 years of IT industry experience and subject matter experts, is a globally trusted provider of image annotation services. Our experts are proficient in a wide range of image annotation techniques, such as-

2D Bounding Box Annotation

Enhance your computer vision models with precise 2D bounding box annotations, ideal for object detection and localization tasks. Our subject matter experts utilize advanced annotation tools to create rectangular boundaries around objects of interest, enabling machine learning algorithms to recognize, classify, and analyze elements in two-dimensional space.

3D Bounding Box Annotation

We specialize in accurately labeling 3D image data by drawing cuboid boxes around objects of interest (vehicles, pedestrians, traffic signs, etc.), which is crucial for applications like autonomous driving and augmented reality. By meticulously outlining and annotating objects in three-dimensional environments, we enable machine learning models to better understand the depth, height, and width of objects.

Semantic Segmentation

Through semantic segmentation, we create training datasets that empower AI/ML models to identify and classify objects in applications like autonomous driving, medical imaging, and satellite imagery interpretation. Our experts segment images into meaningful parts and assign a label based on what each point/part denotes, enabling machine learning algorithms to accurately detect the presence and location of desired objects.

Line and Polyline Annotation

We accurately trace the shape of structures like roads, rail tracks, and pipelines using line and polyline annotation. The labeled datasets train computer vision models for lane detection in autonomous vehicles, infrastructure mapping in satellite imagery, crop monitoring in agriculture, and person tracking in security and surveillance systems.

Keypoint/Landmark Annotation

We label intricate patterns and structures within visual data by plotting and connecting sequential dots at the key areas. Utilizing the keypoint/landmark labeling technique, our image annotation company develops high-quality training datasets for AI/ML applications used to detect facial expressions, body movements, and anatomical structures.

Polygon Annotation

Achieve precision in object detection with our polygon annotation service. Our experts create detailed, vertex-by-vertex polygonal outlines around irregularly shaped objects in images, delivering high-quality datasets for AI/ML models. The data labeled through this technique can be used to train applications used in autonomous driving, aerial imagery analysis, and retail inventory management.

Image Classification

Our image annotation experts classify and label diverse elements in images as per custom multi-level taxonomies. Our training datasets, prepared through image classification, help AI/ML models to facilitate visual search, automated tagging, inventory management, and other commercial activities where automatic identification & retrieval of images are required.

LiDAR Annotation

Elevate spatial analysis and object detection with our LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) annotation service. We specialize in labeling elements within 3D point cloud data. The annotated data can be used to enhance the capability of LiDAR systems to better predict the positions and sizes of objects in the scene. This annotation technique is particularly useful in training AI models used for autonomous navigation and infrastructure management.

Our Testimonials

For years, we have empowered organizations with high-quality annotated data, helping improve the outcomes of their AI/ML models. Explore the testimonials from our satisfied clients, showcasing our expertise in image annotation services.

5 start

We needed annotated images to train surveillance and traffic management systems for our smart city project. The team, delivered high-quality annotated training datasets that have been instrumental in the successful deployment of our solutions.

Client 1
5 start

As a startup in the computer vision space, we were looking to partner with a reliable image annotation company. We are glad that someone recommended to us. Their flexible pricing plans and commitment to data privacy made them the perfect choice. Their annotators did an excellent job, and we look forward to working with them again.

Client 2
5 start

As a medical research facility, we needed to accurately annotate a large dataset of X-ray images.'s team followed our annotation guidelines meticulously and provided us with superior annotated data that improved the capabilities of our AI diagnostic tool.

Client 3

Our Image Annotation Toolkit

Experts at are proficient in using industry-leading image annotation tools to meet diverse requirements. Moreover, our team can seamlessly adapt to client-specified tools as required.

How We Ensure Accurate Image Annotation: Our Workflow

At our image annotation company, we prioritize accuracy and quality in the labeled datasets through an efficient workflow.
Our 4-step process includes:

  • 1

    Data Preparation

    We understand project requirements and use cases and assess the provided data.
  • 2

    Tool Setup and Configuration

    Following project specifications, we finalize image annotation tools and label the provided data.
  • 3

    Data Validation

    Our image annotation experts validate the outputs from automated data labeling tools to ensure precision and accuracy.
  • 4

    Data Delivery and Refinement

    We securely export the annotated data in the client’s required format and share it along with relevant metadata/documentation. Based on client feedback, we make the necessary adjustments to labeled datasets.

Image Annotation Applications across Diverse Industries

From healthcare to autonomous vehicles, we ensure accurate data labeling to fuel advancements in AI and beyond.

Autonomous Vehicles

We provide labeled image data for the development & training of autonomous driving solutions for self-driving vehicles. By annotating lane markings, traffic signals, pedestrians, and other vehicles, we ensure that ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems) applications can make safe, real-time decisions for enhanced vehicle control.

Healthcare and Medical Imaging

We annotate medical images to enhance the accuracy of AI-powered diagnostic tools and patient healthcare systems. By labeling X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, we assist in the detection of critical conditions such as tumors and fractures. Our services support radiologists and medical professionals with a second layer of scrutiny, enabling the development of advanced AI tools that aid in early diagnosis and personalized treatment planning.

Retail and eCommerce

We build labeled image datasets to develop and train AI-powered visual search engines, enabling customers to quickly find items using images rather than text. Our annotated datasets also support the development of retail and supply chain solutions, automating inventory management, streamlining shipment tracking, and optimizing order fulfillment processes.


We assist agrotech firms in training and developing intelligent AI/ML applications for precision farming by annotating crop images to create labeled datasets. Models trained on this data can efficiently identify plant diseases, assess crop health, and detect pest infestations. This enables farmers to make data-driven decisions that optimize yields, reduce waste, and promote sustainable farming practices.

Manufacturing and Quality Control

Our image annotation services are integral to the development & training of manufacturing quality control systems. Through product data annotation, we facilitate the training of AI models to automate the detection of defects in products, ensuring that only items meeting quality standards reach the market. Annotated images of machinery parts can be used to train AI for robotic vision, enabling precise assembly and handling of parts on production lines.

Security and Surveillance

Our annotated image data enhances the capabilities of security and surveillance systems. We can annotate images and videos from CCTV footage to create training datasets for computer vision applications that detect and track suspicious activities by recognizing faces and identifying objects. This is essential for protecting critical infrastructure, ensuring border security, and maintaining public safety through timely and accurate threat detection.

Geospatial and Environmental Analysis

We specialize in labeling satellite and aerial images to train advanced ML models for geospatial analysis and environmental monitoring. Image annotation techniques such as pixel-level segmentation and classification enable precise mapping of land cover types, vegetation health, and urban sprawl. This data aids in monitoring environmental changes over time.

Finance & Insurance

Annotated image datasets can train AI systems to automate damage assessment for insurance claims, enhance fraud detection through document verification, and improve risk assessment in lending by analyzing property images. Models trained on such datasets also facilitate seamless customer onboarding via ID verification and automate visual inspections for property valuation.

Over 500+ businesses have entrusted us with their image annotation needs.

You can be the next

Key Use Cases for Image Annotation

Lane Detection

Accurate lane detection is essential for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) used in autonomous vehicles to ensure safer navigation and reduce the risk of accidents. Image annotation assists this process by marking lane boundaries in various driving conditions, lighting, and weather scenarios.

Pose Detection

Annotators map key points on the human body, such as joints and limbs, within an image to train machine learning models for detecting and tracking body movements and postures. These models can be used in applications like sports analytics, gesture recognition, and interactive gaming, providing detailed motion analysis and enhancing user experiences.

Scene Categorization

It involves classifying an entire image based on the context or environment depicted, such as a beach, forest, or urban setting. Images labeled through this technique can train machine learning models to learn from diverse examples, improving their ability to categorize new images accurately. Scene categorization is particularly useful for training AI models for content organization, environmental monitoring, and photo management systems. Leading the Way in Image Annotation Services

As a trusted image annotation company with diverse domain expertise and a skilled team of annotators,
we are committed to delivering quality and excellence. Some of our key strengths are:


We follow an integrated approach to ensure efficiency and accuracy throughout the image annotation process. Instead of relying solely on automated data annotation tools, we keep subject matter experts in the loop for superior outcomes.

Flexible Engagement Models

Partner with our image annotation company based on your project engagement needs. Our flexible pricing models are designed to cater to diverse business requirements, ensuring optimal cost savings.

Commitment to Data Security

As an ISO-certified company for data security, we adhere to industry best practices and compliance regulations. Through stringent NDAs and security protocols (like role-based access control and proxy servers), we safeguard your sensitive information.

Unmatched Accuracy

Through rigorous quality checks and validation processes, we ensure the highest levels of accuracy and consistency in annotated datasets. Our multi-level QA process enables us to deliver results that align with client’s expectations and industry standards.

Our Related Services

Accelerate Digital Transformation with Our Image Annotation Expertise

Our image annotation services are designed to catalyze your digital transformation efforts. By providing high-quality training datasets, we enhance AI/ML model performance and help you streamline the development process of advanced AI solutions.

ISO 27001:2022 certified
ISO 27001:2022 certified
ISO 9001:2015 certified
ISO 9001:2015 certified
100% Regulatory Compliance
Flexible Pricing Models
Time Zone Support
Transparent and Seamless Communication
Global Clientele


1. What measures do you take to comply with data protection regulations (such as GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)?

We adhere to GDPR, HIPAA, and other relevant industry regulations by following strict data security protocols. It includes secure data transmission, encryption at rest and in transit, access controls, regular audits, and robust training for our team on data handling best practices.

Yes! We can. Our team is proficient in working with industry-leading annotation tools and can adapt to your requirements. Our annotators can work with your in-house tools or recommend suitable alternatives if required. We can accept images in diverse formats and share the annotated datasets securely in your required format.

We ensure seamless and transparent communication via dedicated project managers who serve as your primary contact. We schedule weekly meetings for project updates. Additionally, you can collaborate with our team for feedback and other queries via Slack, Zoom, Skype, or other preferred communication mediums.

In the rare event of issues or errors, we have a structured process for swift resolution. Our team conducts thorough reviews, implements corrective measures promptly, and offers revision cycles to ensure that the annotated data meets your exact specifications and quality standards.

Have a Project in Mind?

Outsource image annotation services to our experts and train your AI/ML models with precision.

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